Some of you may not know this about me, but I like snakes. I used to catch garter snakes with my dad when I was a kid, and I always wanted to keep one as a pet, but my mom wouldn't have it. She's straight up TERRIFIED of snakes. I can't say I blame her. Snakes aren't exactly the most popular pets because most people are scared of them, or at least look at you funny when you tell them you want *ahem* five. And, I will admit, I still get a rush of adrenaline when I hold one, thinking in the back of my mind that it just might bite any second.
Anyway, freshman year I met a Brazilian Rainbow boa, and have been lovestruck since. In the sunlight, they have an iridescent sheen on their already gorgeously patterned scales. Look at the pretty:
Right?? Can I get an amen??
Unfortunately, I have zero experience with reptiles, and these babies are intermediate-level pets, at least. Basically, I need to start off with a beginner-level snake (or two...) and build up experience and resources from there. Some good starter snakes are corn snakes and ball pythons.
Here are some more pretties:
Snow Corn Snake:
Ball Python:
Aaaand, someday, I'd like one of these. An Albino Red-Tailed Boa. They only get, psh, ten feet long. But they're sooooooo pretty!:
So, anyway, Mom, I hope you'll still come visit me and my house full of snakes.