I want a bunny terribly. I'm looking at getting an English Angora so I can spin its lovely fiber :) I found an ARBA registered breeder only 45 minutes from us!! Here's his website:
The Fair Hare. There's a SUPER CUTE Bunny Cam which is a webcam he sets up over his bunnies so you can watch a live feed of them being adorable!! I have to confess...I've been watching it all day ^_^ I've also been researching them for the past 24+ hours. I've been learning so much: grooming, feeding, house training, even the genetics behind coloration. I just spent a few hours reading articles and taking a quiz! For example, a Blue Tort Angora will have at least these genes: aaB_C_ddee. As usual, the upper-case is dominant and the lower-case is recessive, therefore, you need only one dominant in order to show, but two recessive in order to show. aa = non-agouti, B = black, C = colored, dd = dilute (dilute of black is blue), and ee = non-extended (tort). The empty space next to B could be B or b (b is brown), and the empty space next to C could be C or c (or a bunch of other c's with superscript letters that I don't want to explain. Plain ol' c is for the albino gene). How cool is that??? Well, I think it's fun ;) If you want to try it out,
HERE's the link.
Chris and I plan on taking a trip to see his rabbitry in a few weeks to chat and visit the bunnies. We're thinking we'll be able to get one in May, and that works perfectly if he breeds the rabbits when we visit or if he has already bred some right before (one month gestation period and 2 months for weaning). Wouldn't that be cool? I could watch my bunny grow from conception!! Haha, well, maybe not
that closely! Maybe right after that! I also want to be able to visit the bunny (once a week?) while he/she is growing up before I can take him/her home. I'll have to work that out with both Chris and the breeder. I don't know if I want a boy or girl yet. I'm thinking a girl, since Bo is a boy. He might bond better with her if she's not oozing testosterone. All details to be worked out in a few weeks :)
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