For the girl I have Persephone, Merope, Hermione, and Phoebe. I think Persephone and Phoebe are the best. Hermione is more of a cat name. I'll save Merope.
For the boy, I'm thinking Astyanax, Hephaestus, Hyperion, or Cronus. Tristan would also be a cute name. Maybe Demetri.
And, no, I don't want to name them "Romeo and Juliet" or "Tristan and Iseult" after a famous, tragic couple. Then I'd feel bad later on the line if/when I expand my herd and have to breed Hamlet to both Ophelia and Desdemona. What would Othello say!? (Though, now that I'm actually thinking about it, it is kind of funny! Oh, the scandal! Maybe I'll reconsider.) I would name the boy Iago after the best Shakespearean villain EVER, but people would just assume that Aladdin was my favorite Disney movie. Which it's not. That would be Beauty and the Beast, thank-you-very-much. Oo! Belle would be a pretty name!

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