Thursday, December 15, 2011

Recent Exploits

It's been a busy week! I've been doing some major cleaning and organizing and it's been great :) Hectic, but great.

Remember those kefir grains I bought the other day? Turns out I didn't need them since someone in my area had extra! Now I have a nice little packet as backup :) My first batch finished culturing yesterday morning, and it tastes wonderful! A little yeasty with a zippy tartness, and it tastes great blended with frozen black cherries and a bit of honey. Yummmm...

I also made some homemade sour cream that finished culturing last night. This is, hands down, the best sour cream I've ever tasted. I was dying for a baked potato last night!

All I did was pour 2 cups of heavy whipping cream, 1 cup of half&half, and 1/4 cup cultured buttermilk into a sterilized mason jar. Then I put a sterilized plastic lid on and shook it all together. Put it in a warm area and 24 hours later you'll have the yummiest sour cream ever!

I also worked on something I haven't done in years: embroidery! It was incredibly simple, but a lot of fun! A friend wanted me to add a little decal to a shirt for him. It measured out about 1/2" x 1&1/2":

Also, here are the hats I promised you:

I've got some more projects on the way, so more pics to come!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Careful, It's a Big'un

It's been quite a while since I updated this! Quite a few things have happened since then. Let the updating commence (in no particular order)!:

1) I had to re-home dear Neville :( He was starting to bite people and and refused to be groomed. I couldn't have that going on in the house. If he were an outdoor rabbit, I would have kept him, but being an indoor pet, he needed to be friendly. I miss that little guy :( I might try again with a new bunny, but we'll see. We didn't have much room for Neville when he was here, so unless we can find a better space for a different bunny, I'm guessing it's a no-go. Someday, I'll have angoras again. It just might be a while.

2) I am officially signed up to take art classes in the spring! :) I have it arranged where I can still work mostly full-time (35 hours a week) and take two classes: Color Theory and Human Anatomy and Design. Guys. I am so happy :D This current plan I'm on has me taking two classes per semester for 4-ish semesters, so I should be done by spring 2014, or fall 2013 if I move things around. We'll see what happens :)

3) I've also started a 365 Days of Art project where I draw something every day :) I've got it going over on deviantART and it's going rather well so far. Here's the link to my profile: If you go to "Gallery," there should be a link to my "Scrapbook," and that's where most of the doodles will be. The better ones will be posted to my actual gallery on there, and I'll post some of the better ones on here, too.

4) I haven't been doing much baking with cakes and such, but I've been learning a lot about better eating habits and better food over at Nourished Kitchen. It's pretty interesting, and I'm hoping the techniques I'm learning will help me and the hubs eat and feel better :) I bought some kefir grains online for morning smoothies. I'm thinking about trying kombucha, but to be honest, it freaks me out a little. I might look around to see if someone around here makes it and would be willing to let me try it first, and maybe even share a SCOBY with me.

On top of that, I found an egg lady! Now I get to eat farm fresh eggs from pastured chickens like I did when I was little :) I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but when I took my first bite out of my eggs over easy made with those eggs, I cried. True story.

Anyway, back to cakes: most of my baking is going to be bread and such, but I'm still doing cakes for birthdays, etc :) I'm wanting to make some Christmas cookies soon, so keep an eye out for those!

5) I've also been striving to be more green. I grew up recycling and buying second-hand and conserving electricity, but that's because we were poor and not necessarily overly eco-conscious (though, to be honest, we were still rather concerned with the environment). Now that I'm all grown up and actually have money and am married to someone who has never had to experience being poor, it's harder to stay focused on being economical and environmentally friendly. I like impulse-buying. I like buying new things. I like buying expensive new things. I almost even jumped on the Keurig bandwagon because of my lust for good, easy coffee (and tea, and hot chocolate...this was hard to turn down, my friends!). But, I've slowly been taking steps to revert back to my simpler way of living, and it's been great :) I'm definitely not as dedicated as some (a pretty hard-core green blogger), but what I do helps, even if only a little, and that's good enough for me :)

6) I've done a few neat crochet projects. I can't believe I haven't posted those! :\ I did post them on Ravelry, though. I'll get right on posting those here, too.

This is slightly unrelated to crochet projects, but on the subject of posting to other websites, I think that's why I never post on here anymore. For day-to-day stuff, I've got Facebook. For art stuff, there's deviantART. For needlework, there's Ravelry. (Oh yeah, and I discovered Pinterest yesterday...this could get ugly.) I find it hard to balance it all on here sometimes because, frankly, nobody reads this blog. Lol, I actually post this to Facebook if I want people to read it! But, I guess that's the nice thing about the internet. It's all linked together.

7) Speaking of Pinterest, I found some neat Christmas decoration ideas on there, on top of the stuff I found using good ol' Google, so keep an eye out for posts of those too.

I can't really think of anything else, but that was a lot anyway! Hope you enjoyed it (Mom and whoever else reads this blog)! ;)