Saturday, February 4, 2017

Candling 1 Week In

I candled the eggs today and found both good and bad. Most of them, I'm pretty sure, are duds. (The only experience I have with this was when Margot went broody and took over a nest of eggs. At 1 week, they all showed much more obvious signs of development, like one of the eggs pictured below.)

None of the Lavender Orpingtons are fertile from what I can tell.

This one has weird bubbles going on inside it.

Not sure what that blob is, but it looks more like a blood spot than a developing chick.

One of the Ameraucana eggs was fertile, but has the red ring of death inside. 

Red Ring of Death - Not just for Xbox.

I think a total of 5 are fertile and developing, 3 Ameraucanas and possibly 2 Marans. Though really, only two of these look like they're doing really well.

Not super convinced by this one, but maybe?

Another possibility?

Yes, go baby! Keep growing! This is what Margot's eggs looked like.

I super hope this is a chick and not just a super dark shell.

Dubious at best about this one.
So. I guess we'll see. Overall still pretty disappointed in my "fertile" hatching eggs. I think from now on, I'll stick to buying chicks, then try incubating from my own flock.

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