Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Cake: Not Bad, Not Great

Well here's my first cake of the course :)

To be quite honest, I sort of...winged it. And it shows a bit. First off, I don't have a scale to measure "1 lb" of powdered sugar, so I kind of guessed. I didn't think of googling it until after I had made the frosting (to anyone who's curious, 1 lb = 3 3/4 cups when it comes to powdered sugar). The frosting turned out ok-ish, but it could have been better. I also winged it on the filling. We'll see how that turned out when I test it on...I mean feed it to my friends :) For the filling I creamed a little bit of shortening with Irish Cream Coffeemate. Then I added powdered sugar and cocoa powder until it looked right. I ended up using the leftover for the cupcake bottom, the cherry, and the "red" border.

What did I learn? Well, 1 lb = 3 3/4 cups. Don't just wing it, especially after spending all day on your feet in the kitchen in the first place. I should have taken more time to practice making frosting earlier today, or even earlier this week. All in all, though, this was an evening well spent :) I hope it tastes good! :D

Update: It tasted good! The frosting was super-sweet, but that's cuz I forgot to add salt! Another lesson learned!! :)


  1. I cannot wait to eat it!

  2. It is a lovely first cake. It looks very professional. Much better looking than my first one. Can't wait to see more.
